Apa itu Airmate
Kenapa Airmate?
Airmate memiliki banyak kebaikan untuk kesehatan dan lingkungan.
Meregulasi suhu tubuh dan memberikan efek yang lebih sejuk.
Easy To Clean
Dapat dicuci dengan mudah, dan cepat kering.
Tidak ada ruang untuk bakteri, tungau dan jamur tumbuh pada material Airmate.
Dibuat dari material food-grade bermutu tinggi, dan diproduksi tanpa menggunakan bahan kimia.
Body Pressure Dispersion
Distributing your body weight evenly to reduce pressure and pain.
Ease of Movement
Move freely without the fear of waking up with pain in your body.
High durability, stands the test of time, and continuously gives you the best comfort.
Even water runs through and won't add any weight to your Airmate
Easy To Carry
Travel with your Airmate and get quality sleep wherever you go
100% Recyclable
Zero-waste material. Produced with no chemical additives and is fully recyclable.